Soul Rebel Digest Vol 1.24
Welcome to your first-ever Soul Rebel Digest!
Nutrition can be overwhelming to think about for various reasons to many different people, so our goal with the Soul Rebel Digest is to provide monthly simple yet effective tips for you to experiment with & explore to help YOU improve your health for the LONG term.
Remember, even though your next meal is likely minutes or hours away, we want you to think about the long-term effects of what you put into your body & how this makes you feel daily. What you Eat has the power to affect your Sleep, your Training, and the way you Think & Connect with people - it has a HUGE impact on your Health, Happiness & Performance.
When asked, 'How's your nutrition?', what is your response?
'Good.' or 'Not bad.' or 'I think it's ok'
Your answer is likely as vague as the question itself!
So, for the next two weeks, you will keep track!
Now, I am not necessarily talking about tracking calories or macros. I want you to keep a diary for two full weeks of EVERYTHING you're currently eating AND drinking.
One single Tim Tam at work? Put it in the diary.
Cocktails Friday night? Put it in the diary.
Bunnings sausage sizzle? Put it in the diary.
Nothing is too big or too small. Be honest with yourself.
WHY track?
You can't work on improving something if you can't be specific on what it currently looks like. So the first step is becoming aware of what you eat & drink to address - if anything - needs tweaking or changing.
Maybe you need to consume less sugar. Maybe you need to add more protein. Maybe you need to increase your veggies. Writing it all down for two weeks will give you an awesome overview.
In the meantime, please read the EAT section of our 5 Elements of Health via our website; you can find the link below.
Reading this can help you start to think about what subtle changes you may begin to make naturally over the next two weeks.
Take the pressure off making major changes simultaneously, particularly if you know it will be hard to stick to. You want long-term changes & to get there, it sometimes means small, consistent steps with a long trajectory to a great, healthy life - not just a long life!
How are you going to track?
Option 1.
The Cronometer App. When you enter the amounts of food & drink you consume into this app, it gives you a breakdown of calories, macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats & proteins) and micronutrients (vitamins & minerals). For those of you who use a Whoop, this app also uses this data to give you even more information. For example, it is not just that you are under-recovered but also that it gives you insight into why you may be that way.
Option 2.
For those who don't want to get caught up with numbers & enjoy pen & paper like the good old days, print the table below & write down your daily tracking.
It can be tempting to feel like you must rush to make big changes, but let's not try to change anything too big. You want to get an idea of what you are currently doing first.
So, for now, choose whichever option you think is easiest to do every day for two weeks. Remember, whatever you choose this time around, you can simply try the other option next time!
Watch out for Soul Rebel Digest Volume 2, which is dropping next month!
If you have any questions in the meantime, please do reach out!