Soul Rebel Digest Vol 8.24

Breakfast ideas & prepping tips!

After chatting to a few of you recently, it sounds common that breakfast is either skipped or nutrionally poor, which often results in you feeling flat & fatigued & keeps you from reaching your goals.

Often when people say 'I don't feel hungry in the morning' they don't eat until midday. But not being hungry in the mornings may not be this simple. It can mean your cortisol levels are high & it might be worth looking into what may be stressing you out & how you can go about managing or supporting your body & mind.

Starting your day with a good breakfast will help you feel fueled, make better choices throughout the day, lead to less unnecessary snacking & improved body composition. Crazy that eating MORE (of the right foods) can help you lose body fat or build muscle, but also nourishes your body with the training & daily tasks you need to do.

Your breakfasts want to include quality fats & proteins. A few ideas:

  • Soaked oats - pimp these out with protein powders, nuts, seeds, fruits, milk, milk alternatives or coconut water

  • Eggs - your way! Scrambled, poached, boiled, omelette, frittata, quiche & add as much 'above ground' vegetables as you can fit into it

  • Avocado - add things like eggs, cottage cheese, tofu, more veggies & throw in a slice of toast!

How to keep it interesting & nutritionally rich:

  • Vegetables - sometimes they'll be the star of the show, other times they're chopped so you barely know they're there. Add in as many vegetables to all your meals as you can.

  • Mix it up - every day, week or month, change up what fruits you're using. Buy different vegetables. Just ran out of your nuts & seeds? Try different ones. Finished your last scoop of protein powder? Get a different flavour next time. Throw some herbs on your avocado! Experiment with different flavours, combinations & textures.

  • Change it up - have a few totally different breakfast meals in mind to rotate through over the weeks or months. Don't be limited by what we believe to be breakfasts foods or not - while travelling Thailand many years ago I remember seeing locals eating fish & rice for breakfast as they head out for the day.

  • Avoid sugar - if you start your day with sugar you'll be HANGRY not long after. Avoid 'fun' cereals or sugary granolas... they're a dessert, not a breakfast!

Prepping tips:

  • BE prepared. Most people don't have the luxury to put time into making their breakfast in the morning or they have other priorities. Pick 1-2 days per week where you can prep your food. This will depend on how far in advance you'd like to prep. For example I prep my breakfasts on Sunday for Mon/Tues/Wed & then on Wednesday I prep for Thurs/Fri/Sat. I know some people who prefer to bang out a whole week in one go!

  • Get yourself some quality food containers, dedicated to your breakfasts. We have some that match we use for nothing else but our breakfasts & for some reason it sets a clear expectation they need to be filled up with goodness for each day. It makes it easier to create a production line in my kitchen while prepping.

  • The freezer is your friend. A great way to bulk buy berries or store that GIANT frittata you've prepped for the weeks to come. If you don't like prepping weekly, find some cool recipes so you can prep in bulk less often & have cold or reheatable options in your freezer!

  • PLAN ahead. Don't go the shops with no idea of what you're doing. Make a menu for the week, write a list of what you need & you're good to go!

Years ago we started a segment #shareyourfood in the CrossFit Soul Rebel Soul Rebel Thornbury private members group on Facebook. This is a cool way for the community to share what they're eating, stay accountable & get ideas or inspiration from others. I do think for some reason there has been less sharing the last few years. Let's rebuild this! I would love for you to share how or what you're prepping for any meal, ask for help or share ideas. If we can get this going again I believe it will help inspire people to make better choices consistently & support those who need it. Here is a collage of what breakfasts you've all shared over the years! How cool is this! If you want to see what posts have been done, head to the group & search for #shareyourfood, or to be specific look up 'breakfast' for your first meal of the day inspo!


Soul Rebel Digest Vol 9.24


Soul Rebel Digest Vol 7.24